Winter 2022 Class Descriptions below or download pdf

Gift Certificates are available for Winter classes

"A Gift of Honeybees is a Gift of Life"
We can mail you a beautiful, personalized gift certificate to give to someone.
We ask an additional $8 to cover the printing, postage and handling,
or I can email a digital one at no extra cost.
We ask an additional $8 to cover the printing, postage and handling,
or I can email a digital one at no extra cost.
HoneybeeLives Apiary
New Paltz, Hudson Valley - NY
February 26 & 27
Please note: The Brooklyn classes will not be held in 2022
This two-day class will introduce students to Natural/Organic Beekeeping with a Biodynamic influence.
You will come away with the knowledge, as well as the inspiration to nurture your honeybees and respect these hardworking, gentle creatures who live in complex and beautiful communities. This class will provide a broad understanding of the responsibilities and challenges entailed in this undertaking, so you can be knowledgable, loving and confidant beekeepers. This class will be helpful to beginning and semi-experienced beekeepers. We can help you obtain bees and we suggest you wait until after the class to purchase your equipment so you have a better understanding of your choices.
Intro to Organic Beekeeping (Saturday 10am - 6pm)
Learn about the basic requirements and responsibilities for organic beekeeping. Understand the community of a hive and critical aspects of honeybee biology. We will discuss the tools and equipment involved, elements of site selection, and where you can obtain honeybees. Understanding certain intrinsic concepts will help you be a better beekeeper. There is a demonstration of assembling a wooden hive, and extensive class handouts.
Understanding and Caring For Your Bees (Sunday 10am - 6pm)
Topics will include: hive congruency and design to benefit the colony (including Top Bar Hives); Honeybee health and disease management the natural way; seasonal concerns and methods to keep your bees strong.
HoneybeeLives main classes are the two-day winter weekend workshops
that take place in Brooklyn and New Paltz (in the Hudson Valley).
New Paltz, Hudson Valley - NY
Winter Classes 2022
Natural / Organic Beekeeping – Winter Weekend Workshops
2022 in-person classes
Classes will be held at
Circle Creative Collective
62 Plains Rd
(down the road from our main apiary)
Classes will be held at
Circle Creative Collective
62 Plains Rd
(down the road from our main apiary)
February 26 & 27
March 5 & 6
Please note: The Brooklyn classes will not be held in 2022
This two-day class will introduce students to Natural/Organic Beekeeping with a Biodynamic influence.
You will come away with the knowledge, as well as the inspiration to nurture your honeybees and respect these hardworking, gentle creatures who live in complex and beautiful communities. This class will provide a broad understanding of the responsibilities and challenges entailed in this undertaking, so you can be knowledgable, loving and confidant beekeepers. This class will be helpful to beginning and semi-experienced beekeepers. We can help you obtain bees and we suggest you wait until after the class to purchase your equipment so you have a better understanding of your choices.
Intro to Organic Beekeeping (Saturday 10am - 6pm)
Learn about the basic requirements and responsibilities for organic beekeeping. Understand the community of a hive and critical aspects of honeybee biology. We will discuss the tools and equipment involved, elements of site selection, and where you can obtain honeybees. Understanding certain intrinsic concepts will help you be a better beekeeper. There is a demonstration of assembling a wooden hive, and extensive class handouts.
Understanding and Caring For Your Bees (Sunday 10am - 6pm)
Topics will include: hive congruency and design to benefit the colony (including Top Bar Hives); Honeybee health and disease management the natural way; seasonal concerns and methods to keep your bees strong.
2022 Winter class fee is $225 per person for the two-day class.
Class size will remain small. We require Covid Vaccination, and a pre-class negative Covid test result.
Pre-registration is required. Please email or call: [email protected] or #646-522-7656.
We are asking students to pay in advance via check or Venmo during this Covid time, and we appreciate your flexibility.
Seasonal Class Offerings
HoneybeeLives main classes are the two-day winter weekend workshops
that take place in Brooklyn and New Paltz (in the Hudson Valley).
We do offer a variety of classes throughout the year, supporting beekeepers with knowledge helpful for each season,
as well as informational classes for the general public and kids. You can download a list of our seasonal classes below.
as well as informational classes for the general public and kids. You can download a list of our seasonal classes below.
Download Seasonal Classes PDF
Thank you for your interest in HoneybeeLives.
Chris Harp and Grai Rice
Thank you for your interest in HoneybeeLives.
Chris Harp and Grai Rice
Drumming a Swarm in the Apiary
How to Inspect, and Maintain, a Healthy Hive
Learn how to interact with your hive and understand what you are looking at. It is important to recognize healthy brood patterns, as well as signs of problems. Gain a sense of the rhythms of the hive, watching and preparing for swarm season, and a general overview of hives during the main nectar flow. We will also touch on monitoring for diseases and pests, and discuss various mite treatments and timing. Chris Harp will guide you through the inspection process so you can gain confidence working with hives. (Spring Class)
Maintaining a Healthy Hive: Fall / Winter Prep
The end of summer is a critical time to tend our hives. It is important that our colonies are strong, as we head towards colder months. The earlier we address weaknesses the better we can help the bees rally for the winter. Learn how to clean up hives, and look for problems that might weaken your bees.
Learn about the life in the hive during this transitional time. Understand what you are looking at, and how to judge the strength of a hive. Prepare for fall and winter, to best nurture the bees and boost their immune systems. Let us help you think thru your autumn tasks of fortifying your hives, and answer your questions.
We also cover tightening and winterizing hives.
Varroa mite season is in full swing, just when the winter brood is being reared, so vigilance is important. It may be necessary to treat your hives for these parasites. Understand the options available for dealing with these pests in non-toxic ways, and if “treating” is necessary, so a hive doesn’t completely crash, learn about treating hives with organic-based acids. (Late Summer Class)
Intro Lecture on Honeybees and Organic Beekeeping
In June and August
Learn about the lives of Honeybees. Hear about the current plight of Honeybee colonies, and understand the intrinsic value of nurturing these amazing creatures. For the general public, gardeners, and wanna-beekeepers. Includes a visit into a working hive to experience the honeybee community, and a honey tasting.